Sunday, February 1, 2009


Heya guys, just did a few modifications to Chi's banner! Tell me what ya think, also gimme your suggestions =D


Anonymous said...

Thats pretty cool man...although i wish we did the idea where Dm1 is spelled out inside the banner using the Avvys

Anonymous said...

OH and try to make the letters covering some of the Avvys

Javano said...

Yeah that's originally what i wanted but Chi saved all the avis to one layer thus making them one picture and unmoveable. =[

Anonymous said...

I used PDN to make the picture, to put every picture as it's own layer would have taken a lot longer to do so. Looks good though Java! Buy me Photoshop!

Anonymous said...

P.S. Even if I did put them in their own layer I couldn't have given you a photoshop file with them in their own layer; as to convert it I have to import the .png to GIMP and convert it to a .psd.

/end geek talk

Javano said...

Lolz okay XD

TheGhostGamer said...