Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Brithday Jon!

Today is Jon1500's birthday. So I think I speak for everyone when I wish one of DM1's great regs a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Try not to eat this all in one bite! :)


The Conduct Quiz!

Hey guys! I've put a new game up on Kongregate, "The Conduct Quiz". The game is very simple, answer 20 questions based on information in the conduct guidelines. If you get more then 15 questions right you have a good idea of the rules. If you get less then 10 right I would highly suggest reading them again.

Post what you get your first try in the comments!

Saturday, November 29, 2008


It has officially failed harder than any room on Kong, ever. Especially since Nick gave it up recently. (You lazy bastard.) Anyway, just thought I'd let everyone know that Nick no longer has to sleep in his room to get his monthly hours in. He can stay in DM1 forevar now.

Congrats, Nick, for being a lazy son of a gun.

So, to conclude this message, I'd just like to let you all know that:

This has been Juice.

That is all.

(Alright, you jerks. He owns Master Chief Kitchen now, STOP HARASSING ME! D:)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Nerd comic trivia

Just one question.

WHY did powergirl beat captain marvel, even though he was much stronger than her?



Yeah. It's just that freakin' awesome. DM1, I'm here today to tell you all about the greatest thing on the god damn planet. SUBWAYYYYYY, HOME DAWGS. I mean, look at that Jared kid. He lost like 7000 POUNDS. 7000 POUNDS. THAT'S A LOT, SUCKAS.

How friggin' sexy is Jared, anyway? You are what you eat. And Jared = Subway. So Subway = Sexy. My logic kills. Not like anyone could deny that logic, anyway. So, DM1, leaveth a comment if you agree with me. Subway. FTFW.

This has been Juice.

That is all.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Challenge 18: Revenge of The Blocks: Part 3 There Will be Pong!

This weeks challenge is for Distopix! Distopix is a very well done game, where you have to avoid incoming blocks, with a twist. The board is always changing! This adds a ton of difficulty to a normally easy type of game. There are even boss levels (Hint: the first one involves Pong). Have fun and good luck!

New to Digg Mark 1? Want in on the challenges? Add the DM1 challenge account to join now!


Challenge 17 results

Challenge 17 results, for rlax are:

1st Wizky with 131263
2nd Mailesmyth wtih 125735
3rd ihalfhand with 119310
4th Dragoness188 with 114527
5th Archer831 with 110763

Congratulations to the winners; and thanks to everyone for playing!

Friday, November 21, 2008


The challenge has surfaced. It was merely a matter of time.

The battle ground is photoshop. The prize is... uhh...

We'll get back to the prize later.

The first challenge:
Step 1: mask out as much of this as you can, leaving just the white vine thing: This son of a gun here

Step two: Find waldo, and then add him in somewhere. Of course, the waldo in this picture

Step three: Take less than 3 filters to the final image, and most astounding picture wins.
Stated again, your final project should have the found waldo, the masked vine together, and with a few(less than 3) filters thrown on.

No coloring, but gradients excepted.

Now, if you manage to complete this, you probably won't have much competition. No go forth and SLAY THE UNWORTHY.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Why Hello

I'm here now, kiddies.

Are you afraid?

In celebration of my arrival to the DM1 blog (which I'm sure you're all already thrilled about), I'll post some epic links for the general public's general enjoyment.

They're all a surprise. You get no names. Bwahahahahahaha. Malicious, amirite?


Epic sequel!

Credits to Ghostie on this one.


And BOOM, your life has just been upgraded.

This has been Juice.

Oh, and before I forget.

I hate you, Ghostie.

A new inKREDible feature

Late last night kongregate launched its "Kred" system. The idea of the Kred system is to allow users to tip developers, and more so in the future to buy extras for Kongregate's premium games. Lets take a deeper look at them, shall we?

That is the "Tip Jar" here you can give developers some of your Kreds, which they will receive in the form of cash in their revenue report. The main purpose of this is to help out developers whoms games you love. (I would highly suggest only donating to amiture developers, not someone like "Armorgames")

The next thing is you will now be able to buy Kongai card you don't have. Ans even be able to buy new release cards before they get challenges. Any card you don't have will have a "Add To cart" option. Ypu'll be able to see all the cards you've selected at the bottom of your card album. The running price right now is 10 kreds a card, or 1 dollar

The last thing you'll be able to do is buy more leaves, more features, and more custablity in some of the upcoming premium games.

You can also see how many kred are on your account from your profile page. If you don't have any kreds you won't see the option below your sex on you profile page.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Challenge 17: Really Greg, that was uncool, quit taking my challengs!

This weeks challenge is for rlax. The goal in rlax is to clear the pieces that are on top of each other, until you have the board cleared. You get points by NOT making errors, and completing it as fast as you can. Also, there are achievements for rlax on Nonoba, if anyone has an account there. rlax also has a good rating on kongregate (3.67) so badges aren't out of the question. The challenge is for highscore, good luck!

New to Digg Mark 1? Want in on the challenges? Add the DM1 challenge account to join now!


Challenge 16 results

The results for challenge 15, 99 Bricks, are:

1st-LobsterMobster with 904 (Holy cow man!)
2nd-mailesmyth with 693
3rd-M_Dawg with 625
4th-Roger831x15 with 618
5th-Shotsflying with 615

Thanks to everyone for playing, and congrats to the winners!

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Ultimate Horror Scenario Survival Guide.

Random post time! (Because I was bored)

Nearly everyone has seen a Horror movie, and according to a statistic I just made up, 90% of people will find themselves in a horror movies type scenario at least once. Following this simple guide can nearly assure your survival should that situation ever arise.

Section 1: General Rules

For starters, there are a few base rules that you should always follow:
1. Never go anywhere alone, this always ends badly.
2. Never "investigate" The strange sound, this will also end badly.
3. Always travel in large groups, preferable over 5 people.
4. Never assume the "Bad Guy" is dead. Chances are they are some kind of superhuman and can sustain massive amounts of damage before they actually die.
5. Always keep a level head. People who mindlessly rush off or go crazy never last long.
6. Don't be a jerk. Jerks always die in the worst possible way.
7. Never attempt to hot wire a car, it never works and takes too much time.
8. If you see and individual or group of people who look like they know what they are doing, stick with them. They are probably a main character(s).

Following those rules can significantly increase your chances of survival, but, being that each scenario will be different, these rules may not work in some cases. If you find yourself in a situation where these rules may not apply, remember, USE YOUR HEAD! No weapon is better then your brain.

Section 2: Special cases. (Aliens, Mutants, etc)

But what do you do if you find yourself facing a smarter, faster, deadly opponent? Surely this spells the end for you! Not true at all, even against a seemly stronger (Or smarter) enemy you still stand a chance. "How?" you may be asking. Good thing you're reading this guide.

The most common "Special Cases" include Aliens, Mutants, Supernatural entities (Werewolves, Vampires), and Zombies (Which will be covered later in a different section).

Lets start with Aliens.
Aliens can come in all shapes and sizes, so it's nearly impossible to come up with one set of rules. Although there are a few rules that can apply to most extraterrestrial encounters...

1. Make sure the aliens are hostile. Too many times have humans bravely killed an alien, only to learn later that it wanted nothing more then to help.
2. Never assume our weapons will have any affect on the aliens, they have traveled the universe, I highly doubt our tiny boomsticks will have any affect on their infinitely more powerful machines.
3. If (When) Aliens conquer our world, never assume the military has everything "Under control". Chances are they are being royally dominated by our extraterrestrial guests.

Now for Mutants...
Mutants are a interesting case. They can also very greatly, similar to aliens in that regard. Although they are (Or rather, were) human, so normal firearms will usually work fine against them. Oh, also, they have a tendency to explode... Watch out for that...

1. As mentioned above, normal human firearms will normally work well in this scenario. Of course, a gun in your hand does NOT equal safety.
2. 98% of mutant outbreak cases take place in abandoned science labs and/or military bases, so weapons and ammo should never be a problem.
3. A popular tactic (used by civilian and military personnel alike) is the "Bait 'n Kill". A majority of the survivors/squad sets up at a defensible position, preferable a choke point. Once they set up, a single runner attracts all the mutants in the area (Usually by yelling profanities) and retreats back to the defense point. As the mutants emerge, they are quickly destroyed.
4. Above all, know they layout of the location. Knowledge is the key to victory.

And finally, Supernatural entities...
Supernatural entities, such as vampires and werewolves, are actually quite easy to survive against, and even kill. Most have a single, fatal weakness. For Vampires, it's sunlight. For Werewolves, it's silver. Once you know your enemies weakness, it should be easy to exploit it.

Section 3: Zombies.
Ah zombies, a personal favorite of mine, and today's society. Nowadays, who doesn't have a "Zombie Plan"? How hard can it be, really? Hit 'em in the head, problem solved. But have you ever tried aiming a pistol when there are 20 shambling creatures quickly approaching you? The answer, I would assume, is no. I could probably make a list of hundreds of rules, but I'll keep it short and sweet, and only include the most important ones, I wouldn't want you to lose focus and stop reading (assume that hasn't happened already...).

1. Stick to a group, there is power in numbers.
2. When facing a single zombies, or a small group, refrain from using firearms of any kind, as it will only attract more zombies to your position.
3. Bikes > Cars. Always.
4. Remember, a shot to the BRAIN kills them, not necessarily a shot to the head.
5. Most importantly, establish a base of operations. A fort, if you will, where you can hold up for months, even years at a time. Stock it with enough food and supplies for numerous years, and protect it from not only zombies, but bandits as well.

Well, there you have it. A small guide to staying alive. I hope when you find yourself in a horror movie situation, you remember these important rules. More important then anything else, use your head. You can survival almost any situation by just using your brain.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Behind the Kong: API checking with "info"

This is the first (And hopefully not the last) "Behind the Kong". I hope to point out little known facts about kongregate, to help users further understand how the site works, and its history.

Anyone who often reads Greg's posts about badge creation will know he checks any game's API before giving it badges. He does this to make sure there will be no bugs, or "cheats" for getting the badges, or problems with receiving them. To Check the API you can add ?debug_level=3 to the end of any games URL. E.G.

If you've done that, you'll notice that when you first 'boot' up the game the chat is flooded with stats, before the chat itself is even loaded. Once the chat is loaded normally after the chat loads the first five messages stored in the server, you'll get a few messages like you see to the left. Noticeably the all important "Hello message received from server" that's the first step to a game having API. (It means that the server is communicating with the game).

Side note, if you get that message you chatlight will be green. (At least to my knowledge, might be a few firewalls that prove it wrong)

Now, as you start to do things in the game you may notice that some messages may "pop up", these are telling you of attempts to communicate with the server. See the first highlighted message to the right saying "Events:27798" that is what the game's API is reporting. (Anyone who has played idle know that you get a new "Event" every ten seconds) So now (Unless the API is faulty) my "Event" score should be updated to 27798. I will know whether it worked or not be further reading the API! As you can see it later reports "Events:success" that means the API was successfully reported to the kongregate servers, and my score will be updated!

You may also notice that any givin game's API may report differently, Idle for example reports "Events" after you get three of them, so your chat will become filled with "info". While so games may only report when you load up, or save a game.

There's plantey more info on Kongregate's Info account!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Kongregate Tools Directory

As some of the more frequent forum users may have noticed, there's a new sticky in the Kongregate forum; it being the Kongregate Tools Directory. Here's some of the stuff you'll find in the Kongregate Tools Directory:

Kongregate Desktop Widget (By arcaneCoder): This widget allows you to see all your online friends, and sort them by VIPs, room, Kong status, and also allows you to view Modfriends friends to quickly find a mod.

<-Kongregate desktop Widget

Kongregate Sidebar FireFox Extension
(By CaptainCaveman): This allows you to quickly view all your achieved badges,un-achieved badges, friends on, and personal stats. (Screen shot)

Forum update: Muting, quoting & reporting [greasemonkey script] (By arcaneCoder): This is a god send to forum users; it allows you to quickly mute users, report users, and quote users.

Kongregate signature for other forums (By Matt): This is a quick html run forum signature, that displays: Your level, total points, amount of friends, your avatar, and last game played.

There's a few other helpful things in the Kongregate Tools Directory!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Challenge 16: It's not really Tetris, it just plays one on TV.

This weeks challenge is for 99 Bricks! In 99 Bricks you get 99 bricks to build your tower as high as you can get it. It really isn't Tetris. 99 Bricks is a very nice game with a great rating, so it may also get badges soon. The challenge results will be for highscore.

Good luck everyone!
New to Digg Mark 1? Want in on the challenges? Add the DM1 challenge account to join now!

Challenge 15 results

The results for the DM1 challenge for Oh, the Huge Manatee!:

1st-Kovec with 37662
2nd-Andyroo with 35589
3rd-Roger831x15 with 32331
4th-Spartakips with 15981
5th-Everlovely wtih 9594

Thanks to everyone who participated!

Friday, November 7, 2008

The weird Ikariam guy wants you!

Many of you probably do not know this, but Kongregate (Mostly DM1) has it's own alliance (ON THE IOTA SERVER)! And we need some "fresh blood"!

Q What is Ikaraim?

A is a MMORPG, in short. The long answer is it's a strategy pretty slow moving develop and conquer game. You build up your empire, join an alliance, and build new colonies. Not to mention waging war on others.

Q How should i go about joining the mighty kong alliance?

Firstly, MAKE SURE YOU SIGN UP ON THE IOTA SERVER!!! If you don't sign up on the Iota server you will not be able to join the kong alliance. Then start developing your colony, once you do some researching build an Embassy, search kong and apply for membership. Make sure you mention youre from kongregate and you should be allowed into the alliance ASAP.

Q Any tips for starting?

See the kongregate forum topic on it, and the always helpful ikariam wiki.

Here's a few screenshots if you need some convincing!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Challenge 15: It's a bird! No, it's a plane! Oh my dear lord; it's a manatee!

This weeks challenge is Oh, the huge Manatee! In Oh the Huge Manatee! you basically dodge as many manatee's (as well as other creepy sea creatures) to earn points; as well as collecting power ups, which will lead to you shooting the Manatee's. The challenge winner will be decided by highscore. Play on, and good luck!

New to Digg Mark 1? Want in on the challenges? Add the DM1 challenge account to join now!


Challenge 14 results

The challenge results for Drop Dead:

1st-Joshhh with 2888
2nd-Wizky with 2878
3rd-Dragoness188 with 2670
4th-Kovec with 2630
5th-Spartakips with 2591

Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone who participated!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Its me, deal with it.

Yeah, pretty much. I already own and operate a kong blog, but contributing here can't hurt nobody no how.

My first thought on kong: GO PLAY AQUA SLUG. Please? It gets a fantabulous out of 5.